
Autumn Gratitude

Dear Readers,

It's such a beautiful day out there this morning with the sun shining brightly so I hope you are all having a lovely day. I love autumn and spring because there's so much change and transition taking place which I always find really exciting. Something I like to do as a part of my practice as a vintage witch is express gratitude though this has fallen by the wayside lately I thought the best thing to do would be to jump in and share with you the things I love about autumn. For me it's more than just enjoying a pumpkin spiced everything, it's about acknowledging and being grateful for all the things this season brings.

The colours - burnt oranges, red leaves, and chestnut conkers; colour is abundant during this time of year with a riot of different shades everywhere you look. I also love wearing these colours this time of year and I describe this look as if I were a red squirrel who had been turned into a human but still wanted to feel squirrely.

The weather - now I know most people hate it when it gets colder as it signals the approach of the long, dark winter but I just love the weather this time of year. I love the sunny days which are bright and clear but quite cool as though you can feel the sun has moved just out of reach so it's light no longer holds the summer heat. I have always thought the light at this time of year had a certain beautiful glow to it as well and I like it when you get a surprisingly warm day which everyone seems to be really happy about. If you have a warm day in the summer people say things like "it's about time" or "that's it, summer's over" when that day is gone. But when there's a surprisingly warm day in the autumn people really enjoy it because they weren't expecting it. I also like the grey, damp days too as it gives you a license to stay in, get cosy, and read or watch films.

The anticipation - as soon as it cools down a bit and people start lighting their fires a special autumn smell fills the air and suddenly I'm really excited for what's to come. While a lot of people don't look forward to the winter, and I can understand why, I just get so excited about the events which are on the horizon. Hallowe'en / Samhain, bonfire night, Yule and Christmas; Indi and I celebrate all of these occasions with great gusto! The minute I get the slightest whiff of autumn I'm getting on pinterest and planning our themes, decorations, gifts and parties. I just love it!

What are your favourite things about this time of year?


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