
Newark Air Museum

Dear Readers,

Last month I went for a grand day out with some friends from the Lincoln Steampunk Society who we met through attending their weekly meet ups at The Victoria pub on a Wednesday night. While Indi and I are not steampunk, but do dabble in the dieselpunk, we were still welcomed with open arms to the group and we feel it is the best thing we have ever done to meet such wonderful and like minded people. Our events are not just limited to meeting down the pub and recently we have been on a couple of excursions with them. I thought I would share a few pictures from our trip out to Newark Air Museum with you.
It was a beautiful day and I was a tad warm in my outfit but my Aviatrix outfit was perfect for the occasion.

There was so much to see and do here, you really do feel like you get your money's worth. If I had to choose a favourite it would be this one but there were so many that I could easily fill this whole post with nothing but pictures of planes.

We were very lucky in that we had our own personal tour guide as Mr Smut has previously volunteered at the museum so was very knowledgeable and he really made the day great for us!

We did turn quite a few heads as we made our way around the museum and we were even asked for a photograph by the museum staff so we got to get really close to some of the exhibits.

We had no idea it was going to happen but the Dakota from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight also did a fly past and we waved frantically at them.

There were so many exhibits you could explore and climb into and I absolutely love this picture with Ben in the background. Also just want to make a note of how amazingly well behaved my hair was that day which never usually happens!

This cockpit was so ridiculously cramped and difficult to get in to that it was quite funny but as soon as I was in I just wanted to get out again because it was hot, humid, and really claustrophobic.

It was a busy, hot, and fun day so at the end of it all I got home, put some Foyle's War on, and had some tea and cake. A perfect way to end a perfect day!
